Donald Trump makes it clear he won’t be letting in more immigrants if elected!

Donald Trump is the leading Republican candidate as of now running for presidency. Being that he is one of the most controversial candidates we have seen in a long time, it doesn’t seem that this has affected how many followers he has.

Donald Trump has made it clear over the last couple of months that he is against immigration and will do whatever it takes to stop more immigrants especially Latinos from entering into the country.

It was clear from the beginning that Donald Trump was against Mexican immigrants, claiming Mexico was only sending in bad people like rapists and criminals. However, it has been proven that the majority of immigrants being deported from our country are in fact non-criminals. This is a problem because it can lead others to believe that this is true when in reality many immigrants are struggling and only trying to live in the United States to ensure a better life and promising future for their children and themselves. It is clear that many Latinos will not be voting for Donald Trump this election year due to the numerous shocking statements he has made in regards to them and immigration.

What is even more interesting is that the candidate has never provided any proof to demonstrate that his statements are actually true. Studies have actually proven the opposite which has been pointed out to Trump, yet he disregards the facts. Trump stated that he had read that immigrants were rapists from a Fusion article. Trump was informed that the article stated that about eighty percent of Latino women immigrants were actually the ones being raped when coming into the United States. When Trump was corrected he respond by saying that it was probably other immigrants coming in who were the ones raping them. Trump has decided it is okay for him to put out statements without having anything to back them up which is clearly a problem.

Donald Trump has also made it clear that he is against “anchor babies”. This term is used to make reference to children who are born in this country to a non-citizen mother. On multiple accounts he has stated that he will make sure children like these are no longer given citizenship in the United States. Lauren Carroll states in an article that Donald Trump has said, “Many of the great scholars say that anchor babies are not covered, ” what he means is that these people have not been covered in the Constitution so they should not be given birthright citizenship. He believes that the parents of these children must be legal citizens before they are given citizenship.

Additionally Donald Trump has claimed he would like to build a wall at the Mexican border in order to prevent illegal immigrants from coming into the country. Not only has he stated that a wall will be built, he also claims that he will make Mexico pay for it. An article on KQED states that Pennsylvania Representative Tom Marino said, “On one key issue, Trump doesn’t literally mean what he says.” Tom Marino is trying to say that when Trump claimed he would build a wall, what he meant was that he would advance technology at the border to secure that more immigrants are not coming in. If that was even the case, Trump really needs to start making himself more clear.

Trump is obviously not for immigration rights, therefore we can presume this will affect the amount of Hispanics who will choose to vote for him during the election. Regardless, I would like to look into this more and see how many Hispanics have shown support for Trump.

Immigration Rights: Can Hillary take a stand on how she feels?

Hillary Clinton claims she is a supporter of Latinos but has always seemed ambivalent based on statements she has put out in regards to immigration.

Hilary has been one of the top Democratic candidates this election year. As a liberal Hilary claims she will help Latino immigrants and even says she will do the worrying for those who are scared of any deportation issues. In an ad campaign video that Hilary used this year which was posted on the New York Times, she talks to a young hispanic girl who is worried about her parents being deported because they just received a deportation letter. Hillary shows empathy and reassures her that everything will be ok, so let’s take a look to see what Hillary has actually done to help the Latino community.

Although Hillary has shown much support for immigrants, from doing research it seems that Hillary has always had mixed feelings with Latino immigrants and seems to be supportive on some days but quite harsh towards them on others. On a specific topic, in 2008 when running for president she stated that she would try to allow illegal immigrants to receive a driver’s license. Later on she stated that she no longer supported that idea, and that she would not let that law pass if she was elected as president. Just to make matters more confusing she went on to change her mind again saying that she would support this. It seems like Hillary isn’t very sure about where she stands when it comes to dealing with some immigrant rights.

Hillary also recently started a new campaign slogan aimed towards Latinos called Estoy Contigo. She has used this to try to show her support for the Latino community. The former secretary of state has also claimed to help Central American families who are calling for some help. She has stated that although she can not guarantee that she can avoid all immigrants from being deported that she will do her best in trying to look at every person’s specific situation to try and help them from being deported. It’s important that Latinos can see that our candidates are showing support and that they want to make an effort in helping us with issues we have going on.

Mrs. Clinton has also gone on to say that she was one of the primary candidates to speak out against Mr. Trump when he made disrespectful comments against Mexican immigrants. This statement was made in Las Vegas, Nevada during one of her debates with Bernie Sanders who is also running in the Democratic party. It is vital that they speak out to Hispanics especially in Nevada considering that according to this article they are about twenty eight percent of the states residents.

An article by KQED goes more into depth of the constant debates between Bernie Sanders and Hillary when it come to immigration. Hillary makes a very strong statement in regards to immigrants saying, “I do not want to see them deported.I want to see them on a path to citizenship.” If elected Latino immigrants will expect a difference after a statement as dauntless as this one.

It is clear that Hillary is speaking to Latinos and listening to their issues, promising to help. However she will have to prove it through her actions in order for the Latino community to see that she truly cares. If she is elected will she make a difference for Hispanics dealing with deportation issues? How will our country be affected if we allow more immigrants into the country or give the ones already here citizenship.








Latino immigrants: Did Obama really help the Latino Community?

Latino immigration issues have been a prevalent problem for the last couple of years in the United States. Due to an increase in Latino immigrants, the government took action in trying to fix this problem by deporting any illegal immigrants. During President Obama’s campaigning years he stated that he would try and help latino immigrants in trying to grant them more opportunities with work, education and citizenship.

What many people don’t realize is that Obama has made many promises he can’t keep such as helping with immigration reform, and deportation actually increased exponentially during his time in office.

During his campaigning years, President Obama claimed he would help with immigration reform. Let’s take a look to see if he accomplished anything over the years. One of president Obama’s main goals was for immigrant children to be able to find work and further their education with the Dream Act. The Dream Act was a great program made in the United States which grants citizenship to immigrants if they follow all requirements such as going to college. However it seems that during his presidential years there was only an increase in deportation for illegal immigrants. It is important that these issues are responded to because all young children in the United States deserve the right to live their life with a feeling of security rather than worrying that their parents could be deported at any time.

When looking at the statistics you will can see how illegal immigrant deportation increased during his presidency. As you can see on the chart from the Pew Research center, there has been an increase in the amount of immigrants being deported from the United states in the past years. In 2001 there was only about 189 thousand immigrants being deported where as in 2013 which was one of the years that Obama was president, there were about 348 thousand immigrants who were deported.

From looking at the chart you will also notice that many of the immigrants who are being deported are actually criminals, but a great majority of them are not. There is an understanding that our country would want illegal immigrants who are committing crime to be deported from our country, but to see that the great majority of Latinos being sent home are non-criminal immigrants is awful.

According to the Pew Research center, president Obama and the government have tried to exempt certain immigrants from being deported such as those who have children who are U.S natives. These children need their parents and should be allowed to continue their lives here in the United States with their parents, even if they are undocumented.

These numbers seem really high, but what you might find even crazier is that these are the numbers that came out even after over half a million immigrants were given permission to stay in the country due to the Deferred Action for Childhood arrivals.  If it wasn’t for this the number of immigrants being deported would be even higher.

It’s important that what candidates are claiming they will do for the Latino Community is done in order to secure their votes in the future.